Monday, 7 October 2013

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Get thee a good husband,
and use him as he uses thee.
(All's Well That Ends Well 1.1.212-13)

If men could be contented to be what they are, there were no fear in marriage.
(All's Well That Ends Well 1.3.54)

A young man married is a man that's marr'd.
(All's Well That Ends Well 2.3.297)

Men are April when they woo, December when they wed: maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.
(As You Like It 4.1.130-2)

The fittest time to corrupt a man's wife is when she's fallen out with her husband.
(Coriolanus 4.3.30-2)

With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage.
(Hamlet 1.2.13)

The instances that second marriage move
Are base respects of thrift, but none of love.
(Hamlet 3.2.185-6)

Marriage is a matter of more worth
Than to be dealt in by attorneyship.
(1 Henry VI 5.5.50-1)

For what is wedlock forced but a hell,
An age of discord and continual strife?
Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss,
And is a pattern of celestial peace.
(1 Henry VI 5.5.63-6)

Hasty marriage seldom proveth well.
(3 Henry VI 4.1.19)

Hanging and wiving goes by destiny.
(The Merchant of Venice 2.9.85)

In love the heavens themselves do guide the state;
Money buys lands, and wives are sold by fate.
(The Merry Wives of Windsor 5.5.225-6)

In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.
(Much Ado About Nothing 1.1.243-4)

Thou art sad; get thee a wife, get thee a wife!
(Much Ado About Nothing 5.4.126)

The curse of marriage
That we can call these delicate creatures ours
And not their appetites!
(Othello 3.3.272-3)

I have thrust myself into this maze,
Haply to wive and thrive as best I may.
(The Taming of the Shrew 1.2.56-7)

Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,
Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee,
And for thy maintenance commits his body
To painful labour both by sea and land,
To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe;
And craves no other tribute at thy hands
But love, fair looks and true obedience;
Too little payment for so great a debt.
(The Taming of the Shrew 5.2.145-53)

Who woo'd in haste and means to wed at leisure.
(The Taming of the Shrew 3.2.12)

This is a way to kill a wife with kindness.
(The Taming of the Shrew 4.1.197)

I will be master of what is mine own:
She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house,
My household stuff, my field, my barn,
My horse, my ox, my ass, my any thing.
(The Taming of the Shrew 3.2.228-31)

Fools are as like husbands as pilchards are to
herrings, the husband's the bigger.
(Twelfth Night 3.1.35-6)

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Shakespeare Quotations on Marriage

Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare quotes such as "To be, or not to be" and "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" form some of literature's most celebrated lines. Other famous Shakespeare quotes such as "I 'll not budge an inch", "We have seen better days" ,"A dish fit for the gods" and the expression it's "Greek to me" have all become catch phrases in modern day speech. Furthermore, other William Shakespeare quotes such as "to thine own self be true" have become widely spoken pearls of wisdom.

Sonnet 18

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date".


To be, or not to be: that is the question". - (Act III, Scene I).

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry". - (Act I, Scene III).

"This above all: to thine own self be true". - (Act I, Scene III).

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.". - (Act II, Scene II).

"That it should come to this!". - (Act I, Scene II).

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". - (Act II, Scene II).

"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals! ". - (Act II, Scene II).

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks". - (Act III, Scene II).

"In my mind's eye". - (Act I, Scene II).

"A little more than kin, and less than kind". - (Act I, Scene II).

"The play 's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king". - (Act II, Scene II).

"And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man". - (Act I, Scene III)."This is the very ecstasy of love". - (Act II, Scene I).

"Brevity is the soul of wit". - (Act II, Scene II).

"Doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love". - (Act II, Scene II).

"Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind". - (Act III, Scene I).

"Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?" - (Act III, Scene II).

"I will speak daggers to her, but use none". - (Act III, Scene II).

"When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions". - (Act IV, Scene V).

As You Like It

"All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts" - (Act II, Scene VII).

"Can one desire too much of a good thing?". - (Act IV, Scene I).

"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it" - (Act II, Scene IV).

"How bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes!" - (Act V, Scene II).

"Blow, blow, thou winter wind! Thou art not so unkind as man's ingratitude".(Act II, Scene VII).

"True is it that we have seen better days". - (Act II, Scene VII).

"For ever and a day". - (Act IV, Scene I).

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool". - (Act V, Scene I).

King Richard III

"Now is the winter of our discontent". - (Act I, Scene I).

"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!". - (Act V, Scene IV).

"Conscience is but a word that cowards use, devised at first to keep the strong in awe". - (Act V, Scene III).

"So wise so young, they say, do never live long". - (Act III, Scene I).

"Off with his head!" - (Act III, Scene IV).

"An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told". - (Act IV, Scene IV).

"The king's name is a tower of strength". - (Act V, Scene III).

"The world is grown so bad, that wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch". - (Act I, Scene III).

Romeo and Juliet

"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?". - (Act II, Scene II).

"It is the east, and Juliet is the sun" . - (Act II, Scene II).

"Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." - (Act II, Scene II).

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". - (Act II, Scene II).

"Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast". - (Act II, Scene III).

"Tempt not a desperate man". - (Act V, Scene III).

"For you and I are past our dancing days" . - (Act I, Scene V).

"O! she doth teach the torches to burn bright". - (Act I, Scene V).

"It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear" . - (Act I, Scene V).

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!". - (Act II, Scene II).

"Not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty". - (Act IV, Scene II).

The Merchant of Venice

"But love is blind, and lovers cannot see".

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

 Famous Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

No Sweat Shakespeare has a romantic soul and would like to share our favourite Shakespeare love quotes with you. Shakespeare’s love quotes below are taken from the plays only – if we’d looked into Shakespeare’s sonnets we’d never have known where to stop! So, without further ado, here are the all time top love quotes from Shakespeare: 

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

Best Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

Famous Quotes and Quotations from the plays of William Shakespeare
Shakespearean quotations such as "To be, or not to be" and "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" form some of literature's most celebrated lines and if asked to recite one of William Shakespeare's most famous quotes or quotations the majority of people would choose one of these. However, many expressions that we use every day originated in William Shakespeare's plays. We use the Bard's words all of the time in everyday speech, however, we are often totally unaware that we are 'borrowing' sayings from his work! William Shakespeare is attributed with writing 38 plays, Famous Shakespearean sonnets and 5 other poems and used about 21,000 different words. William Shakespeare is credited by the Oxford English Dictionary with the introduction of nearly 3,000 words into the language. It's no wonder that expressions from the works of William Shakespeare have become 'anonymous' parts of the English language.

William Shakespeare Quotes - Plagiarism!
The words and quotes of the William Shakespeare can be found everywhere! Shakespearean quotations can be heard on the radio and television on a daily basis. The advertising media love to make use of William Shakespeare quotes and sayings. Famous authors have even used Shakespearean quotations as titles for their books such Aldous Huxley and 'Brave New World'. And speaking of famous authors did you know that "What the dickens" was one of the quotes used by William Shakespeare, long before Charles Dickens was born? Other famous Shakespearean quotations such as "I'll not budge an inch", "We have seen better days" ,"A dish fit for the gods" are all used frequently and, almost as a parody, the expression it's "Greek to me" is often used to describe a frustrated student's view of Shakespeare's work! Politicians dig deep into their pool of William Shakespeare quotes and quotations such as "Fair Play", "Foregone Conclusion ", "One Fell Swoop", and "Into Thin Air ". Furthermore, other Shakespearean quotes such as "to thine own self be true" have become widely spoken pearls of wisdom. So quotes from William Shakespeare have now become household words and sayings - and just to emphasise the point "household word" is also one of the Bard's 'anonymous' quotations!

Some Famous examples of William Shakespeare Quotes and Quotations !
"To be, or not to be: that is the question". - Hamlet (Act III, Scene I).

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry". - Hamlet (Act I, Scene III).

"This above all: to thine own self be true". - Hamlet (Act I, Scene III).

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him". - (Act III, Scene II).

"But, for my own part, it was Greek to me". - (Act I, Scene II).

"The course of true love never did run smooth". - (Act I, Scene I).

Best Known William Shakespeare Quotes and Quotations !
The most celebrated of William Shakespeare's sayings and quotations from each of his famous plays are listed below. Full details of the plays by William Shakespeare, together with their full scripts, may be accessed via each plays specific section.

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes

William Shakespeare Quotes











Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos

Shakespeare Quotes Biography
Birthday: Around April 23, 1564
Died: April 23, 1616

The Early Years
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Shakespeare's dad was a businessman and mayor. Back in the 1500s, there was a lot of disease, like the plague, so many of Shakespeare's sibs died when they were young. Shakespeare went to grammar school but did not go to university. When William Shakespeare was 18 he married his pregnant girlfriend, Anne Hathaway (not the actress from The Devil Wears Prada of course), who was eight years older than him. William Shakespeare's daughter, Susanna, was born seven months after the wedding. Shakespeare went on to have fraternal twins, Hamnet and Judith. Shakespeare's son Hamnet died when he was only 11 years old.
William Shakespeare Is A Hit
William Shakespeare's first poem, Venus and Adonis, was published in 1593. William Shakespeare went on to write 154 poems and 37 plays. Although William Shakespeare gained fame from his works, he made most of his money in real estate. William Shakespeare was even part owner of the Globe Theater where many of his plays were performed. The most amazing thing about William Shakespeare is that his works are even more famous now than when he was alive. Ashton Kutcher may be hot, but do you think your great-grandchildren will still be watching Punk'd? As if.
Hollywood Loves Shakespeare
William Shakespeare has be dead for almost 400 years but that hasn't stopped him from being a major Hollywood player. Check out just a couple of movies based on Shakespeare's plays:
Romeo and Juliet, starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes.
Ten Things I Hate About You (based on the Taming of The Shrew), starring Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles.
Macbeth, starring Mel Gibson.
O (based on Othello), starring Josh Hartnett.
Did U know?
William Shakespeare invented the word assassination.
No one knows William Shakespeare's real birthday, for sure. There are records that show he was baptized on April 26, 1564 and so experts estimate that Shakespeare was born three days before that.
William Shakespeare left his wife and children and moved to London to pursue his career.
William Shakespeare Says...
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
The Quotes about William Shakespeare  
William Shakespeare is the most widely read of all Authors and the popularity of the works of Shakespeare, in English speaking countries, is second only to the Bible. He intrigues other authors. It is, therefore, not surprising that there are many quotes and quotations about William Shakespeare by his peers.

Quotes about William Shakespeare "an up-start Crow"
His fellow actors and dramatists also had a word or two to say about him - so we have included quotes from his peers! This probably started with the infamous quote about William Shakespeare by Robert Greene who criticised the Bard in his deathbed autobiographical Groatsworth of Wit (September 3, 1592 ) The quote is "for there is an up-start Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tygers hart wrapt in a Players hyde, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blanke verse as the best of you: and being an absolute Johannes fac totum, is in his owne conceit the onely Shake-scene in a countrey." About three months after Green's death his editor, Henry Chettle, made a public apology to Shake-speare! Not all quotes, like the Robert Greene Groatsworth of Wit about the great Bard are complimentary.

Quotes about William Shakespeare - the Identity problem
The debates surrounding the mysteries of life and works of William Shakespear have raged on for centuries. Was he the author? Who else could have written his works? The famous author James Barrie gave us one of the most witty quotes about the identity problem
"I know not, sir, whether Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare, but if he did not it seems to me that he missed the opportunity of his life."

Quotes about William Shakespeare by Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)
The following quotes about William Shake-speare by Oscar Wilde have such an amusing 'ring of truth' that no apology is given for singling them out!
"Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations."
"Are the commentators on "Hamlet" really mad, or only pretending to be?"

Famous quotes about William Shakespeare
The following selection of famous quotes about William Shakepeare are generally taken from poets and authors. Some quotes are critical and others complimentary. The controversy surrounding the Bard continues...

The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good - in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
Robert Graves Quote (1895 - 1985)

A quibble is to Shakespear what luminous vapours are to the traveller: he follows it at all adventures; it is sure to lead him out of his way and sure to engulf him in the mire.
Ben Jonson Quote (1573 - 1637)

My Shakespear, rise! I will not lodge thee by Chaucer, or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lie A little further, to make thee a room.
Ben Jonson Quote (1573 - 1637)

Sweet Swan of Avon!
Ben Jonson Quote (1573 - 1637)

He was not of an age, but for all time!
Ben Jonson Quote (1573 - 1637)

I have of late had the same thought - for things which I do half at Random are afterwards confirmed by my judgment in a dozen features of Propriety. Is it too daring to fancy Shakespeare this Presider?
John Keats Quote (1795 - 1821), "Letter to B.R. Haydon, May 1817"

When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder
That such trivial people should muse and thunder
In such lovely language.
D. H. Lawrence Quote (1885 - 1930)

Or sweetest Shakespear, Fancy's child,
Warble his native wood-notes wild.
John Milton Quote (1608 - 1674), "L'Allegro"

What needs my Shakespeare for his honour’d bones,
The labour of an age in piled stones,
Or that his hallow’d relics should be hid
Under a star-y-pointing pyramid?
Dear son of memory, great heir of fame,
What need’st thou such weak witness of thy name?
John Milton Quote (1608 - 1674), "Epitaph on Shakespeare"

And so sepulchered in such pomp dost lie,
That kings for such a tomb would wish to die.
John Milton Quote (1608 - 1674), "Epitaph"

And one wild Shakespear, following Nature's lights,
Is worth whole planets, filled with Stagyrites.
Thomas More Quote (1779 - 1852), "The Sceptic"

Shakespeare - The nearest thing in incarnation to the eye of God.
Laurence Olivier Quote (1907 - 1989)

Wonderful women! Have you ever thought how much we all, and women especially, owe to Shakespear for his vindication of women in these fearless, high-spirited, resolute and intelligent heroines?
Dame Ellen Terry Quote (1848 - 1928)

One of the greatest geniuses that ever existed,
Shakespear, undoubtedly wanted taste.
Horace Walpole Quote (1717 - 1797), "Letter to Wren, 1764"

Scorn not the Sonnet; Critic, you have frowned,
Mindless of its just honours; with this key
Shake-speare unlocked his heart.
William Wordsworth Quote (1770 - 1850), "Miscellaneous Sonnets"

There Shakespeare, on whose forehead climb
The crowns o’ the world; oh, eyes sublime
With tears and laughter for all time!
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quote (1806 - 1861), "A Vision of Poets"

With this same key
Shake-speare unlocked his heart' once more!
Did Shakespeare? If so, the less Shake-speare he!
Robert Browning Quote (1812 - 1899), "House"

And yet, very literally, it is a priceless thing..
Thomas Carlyle Quote (1795 - 1881) "Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History"

If called to define Shakespeare's faculty, I should say superiority of intellect, and think I had included all under that.
Thomas Carlyle Quote (1795 - 1881) "Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History"

The souls most fed with Shakespeare's flame
Still sat unconquered in a ring,
Remembering him like anything.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) "The Shakespeare Memorial"

Our myriad-minded Shakespear.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Quote (1772 - 1834), "Biography. Chap. xv"

He was the man who of all modern, and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul.
John Dryden Quote (1631 - 1700), "Essay of Dramatic Poesy"

He is the very Janus of poets; he wears almost everywhere two faces; and you have scarce begun to admire the one, ere you despise the other.
John Dryden Quote (1631 - 1700), "Essay on Dramatic Poetry of the Last Age"

But Shakespeare’s magic could not copied be;
Within that circle none durst walk but he.
John Dryden Quote (1631 - 1700) "Essay of Dramatic Poesy"

He was naturally learned; he needed not the spectacles of books to read nature. He looked inwards, and found her there.
John Dryden Quote (1631 - 1700) "Essay of Dramatic Poesy"

I am the owner of the sphere
Of the seven stars and the solar year,
Of Caesar's hand, and Plato's brain
Of Lord Christ's heart, and Shakespeare's strain.
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote (1803 - 1882), "The Absorbing Soul"

Nor sequent centuries could hit
Orbit and sum of Shakespeare’s wit.
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote (1803 - 1882), "May-Day and Other Pieces"

When Shakespeare is charged with debts to his authors, Landor replies, “Yet he was more original than his originals. He breathed upon dead bodies and brought them into life.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote (1803 - 1882) "Letters and Social Aims"

Robert Graves The remarkable thing about Shakespear is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
Robert Graves Quote

"Hamlet" is a coarse and barbarous play . . . One might think the work is a product of a drunken savages imagination."
Voltaire Quote

"Shakespear is a drunken savage with some imagination whose plays please only in London and Canada"
Voltaire Quote (1694 - 1778)

"Are the commentators on "Hamlet" really mad, or only pretending to be.
Oscar Wilde Quote (1854 - 1900)

We hope that you have enjoyed our selection of famous quotes about the Bard!

Words from the Great Bard himself !
The following link will take you to all of the most celebrated words from the Great Bard!
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos 
Shakespeare Quotes From Romeo and Juliet Love To Be or Not To Be Tumble Wallpaper Hamlet On Life Tattoos